A quick look into WP2Social Auto Publish :

                  ★ Publish message to Facebook with image ★ Attach post or share link  to Facebook ★ Filter items  to be published based on categories ★ Filter items to be published based on custom post types ★ Enable or disable wordpress page publishing ★ Customizable  message formats for Facebook                                  

WP2Social Auto Publish Features in Detail

The WP2Social Auto Publish lets you publish posts automatically from your blog to Facebook. You can publish your posts to Facebook as simple text message, text message with image or as attached link to your blog. The plugin supports filtering posts based on custom post-types as well as categories.

The prominent features of the WP2Social Auto Publish plugin are highlighted below.

Supported Mechanisms

The various mechanisms of posting to Facebook are listed below.

                  Simple text message Text message with image Share a link to your blog post Attach your blog post Post to specific pages on Facebook                                  

Filter Settings

The plugin offers multiple kinds of filters for contents to be published automatically.

                  Enable or disable publishing of wordpress pages Filter posts to be published based on categories Filtering based on custom post types                                  

Message Format Settings

The supported post elements which can be published are given below.

                  Post title  Post description Post excerpt Permalink Blog title User nicename Post ID Post publish date User display name                                  


WP2Social Auto Publish is developed and maintained by XYZScripts. For any support, you may contact us.

★ WP2Social Auto Publish User Guide
★ WP2Social Auto Publish FAQ

More Information

★ WP2Social Auto Publish User Guide
★ WP2Social Auto Publish FAQ


Please read the FAQ first if you are having problems.


                  WordPress 3.0+ PHP 5.4+                                  


We would like to receive your feedback and suggestions about WP2Social Auto Publish plugin. You may submit them at our support desk.

★ WP2Social Auto Publish User Guide
★ WP2Social Auto Publish FAQ

  1. Extract facebook-auto-publish.zip to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. In the admin panel under plugins activate WP2Social Auto Publish.
  3. You can configure the settings from WP2Social Auto Publish menu. (Make sure to Authorize Facebook application after saving the settings.)
  4. Once these are done, posts should get automatically published based on your filter settings.

If you need any further help, you may contact our support desk.

★ WP2Social Auto Publish User Guide
★ WP2Social Auto Publish FAQ

Please check the wordpress version you are using. Make sure it meets the minimum version recommended by us. Make sure all files of the wp2social auto publish plugin are uploaded to the folder wp-content/plugins/

2. Can I post to Facebook pages instead of profile ?

Yes, you can select the pages to which you need to publish after authorizing Facebook application.

3. How do I restrict auto publish to certain categories ?

Yes, you can specify the categories which need to be auto published from settings page.

4. Why do I have to create applications in Facebook ?

When you create your own applications, it ensures that the posts to Facebook are not shared with any message like "shared via xxx"

5. Which all data fields can I send to Facebook ?

You may use post title, content, excerpt, permalink, site title and user nicename for auto publishing.

SSL peer verification may not be functioning in your server. Please turn off SSL peer verification in settings of plugin and try again.

More questions ?

Drop a mail and we shall get back to you with the answers.

I installed this plugin and didn't like it at all. Doesn't inspire trust, it's ugly and not immediately obvious how to make it work. Bad user interface. Rather execute the task manually than using this.

cette application est très pratique et facile à utiliser ! je recommande 😉

They are adding, without information or consent given, a footer to your website saying "WP2Social Auto Publish Powered By : XYZScripts.com", also linking to their website. Unprofessional, I do not recommend this service. The setting which causes this, namely: "Enable credit link to author" is unclear and misleading. It should be something like "Allow XYZ to place credit footer with link to your website". This option is something you think related to your own wordpress authors, not the company you bought the plugin from.

Read all 633 reviews

"WP2Social Auto Publish" is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


  • f1logic

WP2Social Auto Publish 2.3.3

  • Minor bug fixes

WP2Social Auto Publish 2.3.2

  • Minor bugs fixed
  • Compatibility with facebook API V 7.0 added

WP2Social Auto Publish 2.3.1

  • Added option to clear facebook cache

WP2Social Auto Publish 2.3

  • Support for free trial of SMAPSOLUTION's api
  • Added option to upgrade SMAPSOLUTION's subscription package
  • Option to enable enforcing og meta tags in auto publish
  • Option to remove inactive facebook authorizations

WP2Social Auto Publish 2.2.1

  • Plugin name changed to WP2Social Auto Publish

WP2FB Auto Publish 2.2

  • Plugin name changed to WP2FB Auto Publish, as per Facebook guidelines
  • Fixed bug in specific category selection on edit posts
  • Option to reuse last used auto publish settings on edit posts

WP Facebook Auto Publish 2.1

  • Added page for managing authorizations of smapsolutions app
  • Compatibility with gutenberg editor
  • Option to view social media posts from auto publish logs
  • Settings menu reorganized
  • Compatibility with PHP 7.2

WP Facebook Auto Publish 2.0.1

  • Fix for settings page auto refresh

WP Facebook Auto Publish 2.0

  • Removed unwanted facebook permissions
  • Added Facebook authorization and publishing using SMAPSolutions.com
  • Increased logs count from 5 to 10

WP Facebook Auto Publish 1.4.9

  • Removed Facebook deprecated permission 'publish_actions'
  • Applied wordpress time format in {POST_PUBLISH_DATE}

WP Facebook Auto Publish 1.4.8

  • Plugin name changed to WP Facebook Auto Publish, as per wordpress guidelines

Facebook Auto Publish 1.4.7

  • Fixed facebook authorisation issue
  • Minor bug fixes
  • UI updated

Facebook Auto Publish 1.4.6

  • Added USER_DISPLAY_NAME in message formats
  • Minor security issues fixed

Facebook Auto Publish 1.4.5

  • Compatibility with facebook API V 2.11 added
  • Minor bug fixes

Facebook Auto Publish 1.4.4

  • Removed Caption from {POST_CONTENT}
  • Fixed Facebook image selection issue for 'Share a link to your blog post' and 'Attach your blog post'
  • Fixed ssl peer verification in wp_remote_get/wp_remote_post calls

Facebook Auto Publish 1.4.3

  • Added POST_ID and POST_PUBLISH_DATE in message formats

Facebook Auto Publish 1.4.2

  • Fixed facebook boost unavailable issue
  • Nonce added
  • Prevented direct access to plugin files
  • Data validation updated
  • App album related issue fixed

Facebook Auto Publish 1.4.1

  • utf-8 decoding issue fixed
  • Visual composer compatiblity issue fixed
  • Minor bugs fixed

Facebook Auto Publish 1.4

  • Facebook api updated(requires PHP version 5.4 or higher)

Facebook Auto Publish 1.3.1

  • Fixed custom post types autopublish issue
  • Fixed duplicate autopublish issue

Facebook Auto Publish 1.3

  • Added option to enable/disable utf-8 decoding before publishing
  • Removed unwanted configuration related to 'future_to_publish' hook
  • Removed unwanted setting "Facebook user id"
  • Postid added in autopublish logs
  • Updated auto publish mechanism using transition_post_status hook
  • Open graph meta tags will be prefered for facebook attachments

Facebook Auto Publish 1.2.4

  • Added option to enable/disable "future_to_publish" hook for handling auto publish of scheduled posts
  • Added options to enable/disable "the_content", "the_excerpt", "the_title" filters on content to be auto-published
  • Resolved issue in fetching facebook pages in settings page (in case of more than 100 pages)
  • Inline edit of posts will work according to the value set for "Default selection of auto publish while editing posts/pages"
  • Latest five auto publish logs are maintained

Facebook Auto Publish 1.2.3

  • Fixed category display issue
  • Removed outdated facebook scopes from authorization

Facebook Auto Publish 1.2.2

  • Bug fix for duplicate publishing of scheduled posts

Facebook Auto Publish 1.2.1

  • Fixed auto publish related bug in post edit
  • Fixed message format bug in auto publish
  • Updated Facebook authorization

Facebook Auto Publish 1.2

  • Option to configure auto publish settings while editing posts/pages
  • General setting to enable/disable post publishing
  • Added auto publish for scheduled post
  • Fixed issue related to \" in auto publish

Facebook Auto Publish 1.1.2

  • Fixed auto-publish of scheduled post

Facebook Auto Publish 1.1.1

  • Added compatibility with wordpress 3.9.1
  • Facebook API V 2.0 compatibility added
  • Compatibility with bitly plugin

Facebook Auto Publish 1.1

  • View logs for last published post
  • Option to enable/disable SSL peer verification
  • Option to reauthorize the application

Facebook Auto Publish 1.0.2

  • Bug fixed for   in post

Facebook Auto Publish 1.0.1

  • Default image fetch logic for auto publish updated.
  • Thumbnail image logic updated.

Facebook Auto Publish 1.0

  • First official launch.