3d Molecular Designs On 2d
Quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) and quantitative structure–property relationship (QSPR) models predict biological activity and molecular property based on the numerical relationship between chemical structures and activity (property) values. Molecular representations are of importance in QSAR/QSPR analysis. Topological information of molecular structures is usually utilized (2D representations) for this purpose. However, conformational information seems important because molecules are in the three-dimensional space. As a three-dimensional molecular representation applicable to diverse compounds, similarity between a test molecule and a set of reference molecules has been previously proposed. This 3D representation was found to be effective on virtual screening for early enrichment of active compounds. In this study, we introduced the 3D representation into QSAR/QSPR modeling (regression tasks). Furthermore, we investigated relative merits of 3D representations over 2D in terms of the diversity of training data sets. For the prediction task of quantum mechanics-based properties, the 3D representations were superior to 2D. For predicting activity of small molecules against specific biological targets, no consistent trend was observed in the difference of performance using the two types of representations, irrespective of the diversity of training data sets.
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For each value of QM8 and logD of Lipophilicity, RMSE values for the test data set using SVR models and 2D, 3D descriptors are reported

For each target, the numbers of training compounds against the diversities of training data set are reported

For each target macromolecule, RMSE values for the test data set against the diversity (similarity) of the training data sets are reported. Models were constructed using SVR. X-axis is the mean pairwise similarity for compounds in the training data sets

For each target macromolecule, RMSE values for the test data set using different molecular representations and kernel functions are reported. Shape_kernel + Color_kernel is represented by formula (1). Color*Shape is a hadamard product which use ColorTanimoto and ShapeTanimoto. Shape_kernel*Color_kernel is represented by formula (2)

In (a), RMSE values for the test data set against training data diversity are reported. Random and Code I represent randomly extracted and Code I reference compounds besides active compounds, respectively. In (b), only individual types of compounds were used without combining active compounds

NN-distance from a test compound, which could not be predicted, to reference compounds is provided. Both represents compounds that could not be predicted by the two methods being compared. Train_active_cpds_only represents compounds that could not be predicted using only active compounds. Random_only represents compounds that could not be predicted using only randomly selected reference compounds. Code I_only represents compounds that could not be predicted using only Code I reference compounds
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Sato, A., Miyao, T., Jasial, S. et al. Comparing predictive ability of QSAR/QSPR models using 2D and 3D molecular representations. J Comput Aided Mol Des 35, 179–193 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10822-020-00361-7
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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10822-020-00361-7
- Quantitative structure–activity relationship
- Quantitative structure–property relationship
- Molecular representations
- Predictability of models
3d Molecular Designs On 2d
Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10822-020-00361-7
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